9th International Workshop on the Implementation of Logics
9th International Workshop on the Implementation of Logics
The 9th International Workshop on the Implementation of Logics will be held in March 2012 in conjunction with the 18th International Conference on Logic for Programming, Artificial Intelligence, and Reasoning in Merida, Venezuela.
We are looking for contributions describing implementation techniques for and implementations of automated reasoning programs, theorem provers for various logics, logic programming systems, and related technologies. Topics of interest include, but are not limited to:
•Propositional logic and decision procedures, including SMT
•First-order and higher order logics
•Formal foundations for efficient implementation of logics
•Data structures and algorithms for the efficient representation and processing of logical concepts
•Proof search organization and heuristics for logical reasoning systems
•Practical constraint handling
•Reasoning with ontologies
•Implementation of efficient theorem provers for different logics
•Implementation of efficient model finders for different logics
•Implementation of efficient systems for other processes in logic
•System descriptions of logical reasoning systems
•Issues of reliability, witness generation, and witness verification
•Evaluation and benchmarking of provers and other logic-based systems
•I/O standards and communication between reasoning systems
We are particularly interested in contributions that help the community to understand how to build useful and powerful reasoning systems, and how to apply them in practice.
Researchers interested in participating are invited to submit a position statement (2 pages), a short paper (up to 5 pages), or a full papers (up to 15 pages) via the EasyChair page for IWIL-2012.
Submissions will be refereed by the program committee, which will select a balanced program of high-quality contributions.
Submissions should be in standard-conforming PDF. Final versions will be required to be submitted in LaTeX using the easychair.cls class file. Proceedings will be published as EasyChair Proceedings.
If number and quality of the submissions warrant it, we plan to produce a special issue of a recognized journal on the topic of the workshop.
Invited Speakers:
•Nikolaj Bjørner, Microsoft Research: Engineering Theories with Z3 (presentation)
•Philipp Rümmer, Uppsala University: Craig Interpolation for the Integers: Results, Implementation, and Experiences (presentation)
March 10th, 2012
Opening Remarks
Invited talk: Philipp Rümmer: Craig Interpolation for the Integers: Results, Implementation, and Experiences
Craig interpolation is a versatile tool in formal verification, in particular for generating intermediate assertions in safety analysis and model checking. Over the last years, a variety of interpolation procedures for linear integer arithmetic (and extensions) have been developed. I will give an overview of the existing algorithms and design choices, and then discuss implementations of such procedures within theorem provers and SMT solvers. In particular, I will describe an implementation done using the multi-paradigm language Scala, which is built on top of the Java runtime infrastructure, and evaluate performance and engineering aspects.
Coffee break
Bjarne Holen, Dag Hovland and Martin Giese: Efficient Rule-Matching for Hyper-Tableaux
Jens Otten: Implementing Connection Calculi for First-order Modal Logics
Lunch Break
Invited Talk: Nikolaj Bjørner: Engineering Theories with Z3
Modern Satisfiability Modulo Theories (SMT) solvers are fundamental to many program analysis, verification, design and testing tools. They are a good fit for the domain of software and hardware engineering because they support many domains that are commonly used by the tools. The meaning of domains are captured by theories that can be axiomatized or supported by efficient theory solvers. Nevertheless, not all domains are handled by all solvers and many domains and theories will never be native to any solver. We here explore different theories that extend Microsoft Research's SMT solver Z3's basic support. Some can be directly encoded or axiomatized, others make use of user theory plug-ins. Plug-ins are a powerful way for tools to supply their custom domains.
Nik Sultana and Christoph Benzmüller: Understanding LEO-II's proofs
End of Workshop
Important Dates:
Submission of papers/abstracts: Notification of acceptance: Camera ready versions due: Workshop:
February 1st, 2012
February 13th, 2012
February 27th, 2012
March 10th, 2012
Program committee:
Eugenia Ternovska (Co-Chair) Konstantin Korovin (Co-Chair) Stephan Schulz (Co-Chair)
Simon Fraser University, Vancouver
University of Manchester
TU München
FU Berlin
Johannes-Kepler Universität Linz
TU München
Microsoft Research
Katholieke Universiteit Leuven
University of Manchester
University of Oxford
University of Liverpool
Université d'Artois
Universitat Politècnica de Catalunya
Universität Potsdam
Articulate Software
University of Manchester
Syddansk Universitet
University of Manchester
SRI International
University of Miami
Max-Planck-Institut für Informatik
Previous Workshops:
•Reunion Workshop (held in conjunction with LPAR'2000 on Reunion Island)
•Second Workshop (with LPAR'2001 in Havana, Cuba)
•Third Workshop (with LPAR'2002 in Tbilisi, Georgia)
•Fourth Workshop (with LPAR'2003 in Almati, Kazakhstan)
•Fifth Workshop (with LPAR'2004 in Montevideo, Uruguay)
•Sixth Workshop (with LPAR'2006 in Phnom Penh, Cambodia)
•Seventh Workshop (with LPAR'2008 in Doha, Qatar)
•Eighth Workshop (with LPAR‘2010 in Yogyakarta, Indonesia)
Image credit: Don Perucho via the Wikimedia Commons